Friday, February 3, 2012

Golden Arches

This week has definitely been an interesting one. We started getting threats of snow for Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday. We were ecstatic at the thought of an Italian Snow Day because 1) Who wouldn't be? and 2) We had an Art History Presentation on Wednesday. It's not that I particularly mind the idea of an Art History presentation. It's just that I have to take the rest of the class to a piece of art that I found on the streets of Arezzo and talk about it using terms that I'm barely acquainted with while pretending to have deep and consequential thoughts. Which I don't. Wednesday morning, we got emails from our professor that said, "I suppose the snow gods that y'all were praying to took pity on you. See you next week. Also, the best hill for sledding is located at . . ." YESSS! We didn't waste ANY time. Danielle and I bundled up and headed out. We walked around town a little bit, just to observe the scene. We decided to go up to what is now designated "our spot." I showed you guys a view of in some old posts. We spent a long time looking at the view and admiring the whole scene. There's not really wind here... at least not like in Oklahoma; so the cold isn't brutal and the experience isn't misreable. I was, however, getting snow down into my boots, which is why by the end, I couldn't feel my toes anymore.

We found the remnants of an old snowman that had either been knocked down or was weak in the first place. There was a carrot on the ground so we used that to rebuild Francesco. He's a "green" snowman and I think you'll know why when you see the pictures!

The next day was Thursday and it was back to school for the Arezzo kids. The only class I have on Thursdays is Italian so I was pouting to have to brave the streets for one class. Afterwards, Danielle wanted a hamburger really bad so we set out to find the McDonalds. While I'm sure you're shaking your head and thinking, "McDonalds, Courtney? You're in Italy!!" Yes, we understand. We found out later that we took the long way there. We went all the way to the train station, followed the sign that said, "McDonalds, this way --->" which was seriously misleading and unnecessary. Basically, we walked through the snow for an hour to get to this McDonalds. When the golden arches were in sight, we were almost jogging. We were so cold. It was really pathetic. We walk in and realize that there's about a 1/4 of the menu, it's really overpriced and they don't speak English. DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH?? I'm in McDonalds. I don't want to have to think!! I've heard that McDonalds' in China have noodles and such. In Italy, there's a mozarella burger and a pistaccho McFlurry.

SO what's on the agenda for this weekend?? Sunday we're headed to Bologna for World Nutella Day! We're going to the Nutelleria there with a group so it'll be a good time. :)

Here are some pictures from our snow-filled week! I hope you all enjoyed your 70° weather! Sono gelosa!


  1. So did you try to moz burger and the pistachio mcflurry? I thought pistachio flavored stuff would be gross, but some of it is actually good. Jeremy loves it!

    BTW - Those snow pictures look like you are sitting in front of a painting!

  2. Danielle ordered the pistachio McFlurry but they were "out of the mix" or whatever. I looove pistachios so I was a tad disappointed.

    And seriously, it was the coolest view I've seen here so far. It's so beautiful!
