Tuesday, May 24, 2011

6 Blisters and Counting

I'm running out of ways to preserve my poor, poor feet. As you can see, I made a GREAT decision when I bought these fantastically sassy shoes. NO regrets. These shoes are peachy for a three-hour church service, a quick interview, or a business meeting. Under no circumstances will they ever be okay when you have to trudge up countless steps, walk through the tunnels between Senate office buildings, or give tours. I guess I can justify that by saying I look pretty fabulous :)
I gave my first tour today to 14 kiddos from a junior high in Talequah. I think they were more ready for it than I was. I was so cocky as I bragged to myself that I was prepared. I imagine I'm the only tour guide who got lost at the end of the first hallway. You wouldn't believe the maze I have to travel through. But I DID successfully commentate the entire tour. "This tile was a gift from the British after they burned down our city in the War of 1812." "The presidents used to be inaugurated on the east side of the Capitol until Ronald Reagan's inauguration in 1981. He wanted to be facing California when he took his oath." Bet you didn't know that, did you?! Tomorrow will surely be another promising day since I'm giving my second tour! Hopefully I'll be able to point out celebrities again like when I pointed out JOHN MCCAIN today. No big deal. He even waved! 


  1. Even though I knew the whole "getting lost" situation was coming up, I still got a kick out of it. Mostly because I can picture you turning circles, trying figure out which way to go while still pretending to know where you were. Haha! Classic. I'm considering mailing you some of the blister band-aids I told you about. Six blisters is pretty ridiculous... Stay classy highrider! ;)

  2. Court, you need to find a Payless & soon. Can you get tipped as a guide? It might pay for new shoes.~Marcia
