Friday, August 19, 2011


Perhaps you're wondering if The Help was any good. Ya know, that new movie with Emma Stone? Let me tell you right now: it was fantastic; albeit a complete bawl-buster. There's about 5 subplots featuring the different women and only ONE of them has any sort of happy ending. Basically, see this movie if you've had an awful week and you're feeling sorry for yourself. And if anyone is dying to see it or even a little curious at all, call me because I plan to see it several more times. And let it be noted: If I ever grow up to have a life that merits a screenplay, please make them cast Emma Stone as me! I just love her so much.

Also, did you know that weddings are completely overpriced? Who knew! I mean, this planning business has led me to start subconsciously planning my own (I know, I know, so sue me) and it's ridiculous how much money they cost. They can be the price of a new car or a down-payment on a small house or the cost of international adoption or a couple of years of college. GEEZ. Poor parents of girls. Now I don't blame those parents who engage in gender selection. Joke. Actually I do, because it contradicts my bio-ethical standards. But seriously, we have 3 girls in our family. I guess it'd only be polite to put off marriage for at least 5 years, right?

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